Have your camera ready at all times

street photography 101: have camera ready

A quick shot from my recent walk through the Marais quartier in Paris this past week.

I am among the first to tell anyone who will listen that they should take as many exposures as necessary to get the shot. If the scene allows then you should work it from different angles until you are sure you've got the best image possible.

That said, I am surprised at how many of my favorite photos are one offs. Something happens, I bring the camera up, snap and done. The scene dissolves. I wish I had another shot but I don't. This is an example of just that. I'm not saying it’s a career best but I like it enough to show it obviously.

There's a point to me laying this out of course.

You have to have your camera ready. If it's turned off, if it's hanging loosely at your side then you are likely to miss many more shots. It not only has to be turned on but in hand and ready to go.

Life on the streets happens quickly. Even slow things pop up fast and dissolve faster than you can bring the camera to eye if its just hanging there.

This is where the size of your camera starts to make a difference too. It's not just that a big camera draws more suspicion but the weight ads up after a while. Small cameras are easier to carry for long periods and they don't draw as many eyes.

I won't tell you what camera to use (even though I am partial to Leica) but I will definitely tell you to have it ready unless you want to miss something. ⠀


I identify with black and white photography (can you tell?)


How to determine camera position