Street Photography Tip: Don’t be Nervous

Creating a YouTube channel for my street photography tips has been something I have wanted to do for awhile. It took me a awhile to get it started but - le voici. Here it is.

One of the most common questions I hear is about how to not be nervous when taking street photos. This is something that I think the newer street photographers struggle with and even us seasoned photographers occasionally get a little shy from time to time. This video is a short overview of what my take on this is: Don’t be Nervous.

Thanks for taking a look. I plan on releasing at least a couple a week discussing common questions I get asked. So if there is something you would love to hear more about, send me a DM on instagram. And while you are at it, please subscribe to my channel and watch a few of the videos. Appreciate it.


3 Mistakes that Keep you From Getting the Street Photos you Want


Behind this Picture: #1